The Trunk Pilot Returns, Thank God

Well all of you by now know that the or I should say my Trunk Pilot was off to Barbados last news letter writing. Well the good news is for me is that he has returned, with a very nice tan I might add. The week he got back the only problem I had was to convince him he did not need to ware the sun glasses in the shop.

It was very busy and all hands were on deck now for the last three weeks. The building has gone well, very few mistakes. Of course that is because of my supervisory role. Philip’s 35% Carden Extra is just about complete just some final sanding and we will be ready to slap on the Monocote. It is surprising how much a group of builders can get done in a day all working on the same project. Then the night shift shows up to put their eight in things come together quick.

Mathews new YAK, we can talk about it now his mom found out, is an ARF and there are time guidelines in the instructions. They give detailed information of the item to be built, and then they say that the time to complete should be one hour or two hours. Well let me tell you that either they have extremely fast builder that don’t care what it looks like or I just take too much time. He is soldering the servo leads and is doing a real nice job. Last week he made the boss mad he was using too much heat shrink.

Have you bought any lately, it is expensive. All the servos are mounted and the tray is built for the rudder servos, I think the Trunk Pilot actually help with some of this because I was out in the back yard running my Moki engines that are powering the bomber. The kids enjoy working with him he doesn’t yell as much as John or I. Back to Philip’s plane, it is a fact that by the completion of this bird, Philip will have ask every possible question that pertains to every aspect of construction, batteries, glue, wood, engines, servos, and snacks.

Production last Sunday came to a screeching halt when Philip’s mom brought over Stromboli for diner. Boy was it good! So we all took an unusual diner break and watched the end of the Daytona race. The Trunk Pilot didn’t come up stairs with the rest and by the time he wandered in the Stromboli was gone. We had one mad and upset and hungry boy, and into the pouting routine he went. We even did some minor work on the 47% Pits John is building. But Sunday we had to fix it, because it did a slow roll from the stand to the floor.

Only minor damage I was happy it didn’t cause any collateral damage, there a bunch of planes in the shop. Sunday, was a good day we worked about four hours. There was quiet no kids no questions. At about 1:30 it was off the field I had to get a couple of flights before the JR Challenge next weekend in Florida. Trunky will be in charge while I am gone. Till next time I will keep you apprised of the deeds of the Trunk Pilot and the trials and tribulations in the Monster Hanger. The web site is up now. not many pictures yet but soon. Then what, maybe the hanger- cam?

Till next month

Mike Barbee [owner and controller of the Trunk Pilot]


News from the MONSTER HANGER & Home of the Trunk Pilot


The Adventures of My Trunk Pilot